Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Laziness

So it's my second post now, and my laziness has won over. And what do you post when you are lazy? Lists!

10 Songs That I Have the Strong Urge to Dance/Sing To:

10. Chicken Soup For The Fuck You by Shout Out Out Out Out
9. New Goodbye by Hey Rosetta!
8. 20 Dollar Nose Bleed by Fall Out Boy
7. Lonely People by Hawksley Workman
6. M79 by Vampire Weekend
5. Does This Mean You're Moving On? by Airborne Toxic Event
4. Stop! by Against Me! 
3. I'm Not Over by Carolina Liar
2. Grounds For Divorce by Elbow
1. Kids by MGMT

Don't worry, I'll get up more posts!

Thank ya kindly,

Professor Barnum

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