Thursday, February 5, 2009

Welcome to you're "doom!"

Ya, so its me. Obviously. I dunno why I got this blog, but now you are gonna be subjected to random stuff floating around in my mind. If this seems like torture to you, suck it up. You are reading it, weirdo.

As I write my first post I sit on my bed eating crispers and drinking jones soda, listening to the new Jason Mraz album (don't judge me!!!!). Between bites of baked goodness, i pull off a little jig, only moving my upper torso and head. It is an awesome album, I recommend it if you are comfortable with your mansuality or just don't mind light, upbeat music.

I guess I should get to topic, which is your education on boosh. It originates in the profound makers of Frisky Dingo whose names are unmentionable to us lowlies (If you haven't watched the show, watch it. If you don't like it, get your head checked.).  Due to its godliness, it transcends all manmade borders. There are some starting guidelines to using it:

1) Entitlement: Not everybody is allowed to use it. After all, Americans cannot use 'eh' the same way we Canadians can, it just sounds weird. People who cannot use boosh include: gangsters, people who ruin parties, Kevin Costner, Republicans, and specifically people who yell "oh burn!" and other embarrassing phrases. These are boosh posers, and violate the word by uttering it. And people who wear Abercrombie and Fitch. In fact, throw food at them.

2) The right moment: A good example of this is hard, because an equally awesome word is rare. the closest one would be used in this instance: "Dude, Frisky Dingo is awesome!" "Ya dude, pound to that! Shazaam!" Now this is the closest example, and using boosh in this instance would make that pound epic.

3) The Evolution of Boosh: This is hard to master. Two apostles of Frisky Dingo discovered that boosh can evolve. Noticing the show's use of 'sad boosh' and 'party boosh,'  boosh transcended to a new level: 'Epic Boosh.' With proper use of this power, a seemingly limitless potential appears. The complex part is the proper use of this. Saying something like 'button boosh' may be funny, but only once. Don't say it again. Proper use of this power would be when you get rowdy drunk, you raise both fists high into the air and bark "DRUNK BOOSH!!!" It just adds to the situation!!

Well kids, take these lessons and use boosh wisely. Remember, people who use crystal meth are awful people. And whack a boosh poser when you see one.

Thank you Kindly,

Professor Barnum

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