Friday, August 14, 2009

I Am Arnold Swarzenegger

Hey look I'm back. I kinda started thinking of my blog, especially after reading this recent xkcd post, and decided I don't wanna be "that guy." So I think I'm gonna start updating this more frequently, with pretty much whatever is on my mind at the time. So welcome, all:

This is Jack's brain.

So apart from me (obviously) writing this post, I'm up to my general antics. Got Iron & Wine playing, a bunch of Stargate: Atlantis episodes raring to go, and the last half of Battlestar Galactica Season 4 torrent-ing(?). I am gonna try and finish up all the seasons/series on my unofficial list before the school semester starts up again, which will allow me to focus on more important matters, such as that schooling thing aforementioned, and possibly developing a bout(?) of alcoholism. After all, you always have to have something to work on, right?

This Iron & Wine is pretty cool. His 2009 album is called Around the Well, and it's a collection of rare songs, a rarities album if you will. Iron & Wine, aka Samuel Bean, is a folk rocker- more emphasis on the folk- and is signed on to Sub Pop records, a legendary recording company renown for odd bands such as Nirvana, Death Cab for Cutie, and Chad VanGaalen. I&W's music focuses primarily on his lyrical talent, which are freaking mind-blowingly good. His imagery is quite vivid, and in my opinion makes him an underrated talent of modern music. But that's just me, 'cause I usually am listening to the lyrics over anything else anyways. Its worth checking out.

Stargate: Atlantis is pretty good too. Though the series followed in continuity after season seven, I started watching it after I finished SG-1. Atlantis, which follows several SG-1 characters that were sent through the Stargate to a planet in the Pegasus galaxy that contains the fabled city of Atlantis, is not quite as good as SG-1, but is definitely up there. It's obviously by the special effects, choice of guest actors, and props that its a lower budget, but the writing is definitely above par. I really like the characters, especially the clumsy Scottish doctor Beckett, and the arrogant Chief of Science McKay. The threat to Atlantis was well-conceived as well, the despicable Wraith, an alien race that feeds on human life. I haven't gotten through the first season yet, but I'll give it a chance till the material degrades in quality or just gets tiring.

That's just a few things goin on now, but more will come later!

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