Friday, October 16, 2009

Yet Another Movie

S0, I just recently caved and bought Episode IV-VI of Star Wars, considering I haven't watched one through since before I was eight. Since then I have become a major sci-fi geek, absorbing all I can get. But there is one thing that pisses me off.

Fucking George Lucas.

I mean, he developed a series that rivals Star Trek, and for that he's not too bad of a guy. There's three things that are unforgivable: the newest trilogy. The more I watch them, the less I like them. They leave little to the imagination, which I think is a retarded thing for a sci-fi movie to do. Before you could imagine what happened in Episodes I-III, but now we know, thanks to three awfully-written movies. At best, they are three hollywoodized (to the extreme) films with awful dialogue. At worst, they have Jar Jar Binks.

What could he do to (possibly) correct this mistake? Well, he could give up on the strict copyright control on movies. If others had a chance to continue the story, the franchise could expand and we wouldn't have to listen to that filth he calls dialogue. Then I might be able to enjoy some more movies.

Just something to think about.

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