Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Poll closed!

So the poll is closed everybody! The question was put out to the masses of which is the best sci fi series, and here is the results:

Stargate SG-1: 2 votes
Star Trek: 1 vote
Firefly: 2 votes
Battlestar Galactica: 0 votes (?!?!?!?)

Soooo, what the hell, damn guy? No love for Battlestar Galactica? I'll give it my vote, so it comes out with at least one vote.
Though all series are favourites of mine, I definitely am loving Battlestar Galactica presently. It's has drama between characters, realistic (and awesome) space action, and Edward James Olmos!! He played the detective with the cane in Blade Runner!
Basically, Battlestar Galactica is a great, sleek series that doesn't run on forever. It told a story, and that's that. The only downside (if that's the way you want to look at it) is that it is very immersing, so you have to watch it from the pilot miniseries all the way through to the end of season four. So if you miss certain episodes, it can feel like you are watching Lost, only in space.


Thank you kindly,
Professer Barnum

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